Monday, May 15, 2006

I’m Baack!!!—The Return of The RSS Pundit

Life came at me with a vengeance, but one job change later and it’s Life 2.0 for me. The posts will resume—even if you want them via e-mail...

In what can only be described as an act of social media suicide, I have been on an almost three-month hiatus from this syndication love affair of mine called The RSS Pundit.

There’s a great quote from Alvin Toffler that says: “It is better to err on the side of daring than the side of caution.”

Sound advice I should have taken six months ago, rather than one month ago.

So, with a job change behind me, and feeling energized and challenged all over again, the task before me of creating a syndication strategy at my new gig has me back at the keyboard.

While brewing up my next round of meaningful posts, let me point you to a very interesting site: FeedBlitz.

While chipping away at some civic duties and employing a blog to do so, I discovered the majority of the Republican contingent in Utah (Yes, in the spirit of transparency, I am a Republican—but one who doesn’t agree with the more bellicose Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, nor with the doctrine of pre-emption as instantiated by the likes of the Iraq War—but we’ll keep those discussions off this page, please.) is much more comfortable and adept at communicating through e-mail groups rather than blogs. They say numbers don’t lie, and both of those e-groups consistently receive substantially more participation than the blog.

While there is a clear argument the quality of the blog’s content is the reason for the difference (a fair criticism, but not the explanation, in my humble opinion), I have concluded people know more about e-mail, and are more comfortable using it than a blog as an avenue of expression and dialogue.

I lament this situation. Blogs are simply better suited to the organized and systematic review of material for the masses. Hunting through e-mail folders for a particular item is not an organized, systematic content management and review system for large quantities of information.

That said, all marketing professionals know that educating a market is an expensive and undesirable position in which to find yourself. So, FeedBlitz offers a great bridge that allows readers to receive blog posts by e-mail.

I will add it to The RSS Pundit this week, and let you know what it does to the numbers.

Of course, the blog is still here. It is still the best way to get the word out, and the best way for everyone to participate.

I hope you’ll welcome me back into your readers and inboxes. In return, I’ll continue my endeavor to make the ideas worthwhile and the words easy on the eyeballs.


At May 16, 2006 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are back Kip.

At May 17, 2006 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Can't wait to see what you've got coming. I'm in town now, so we'll stop by or maybe we can do lunch when things slow down a bit for both of us.


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