Thursday, February 02, 2006

Orange You Glad It's Global?--The Non-Language Dependent Feed Icon

It's no secret syndication is a global phenomenon... Sadly, the iconography has been mired in English-only implementations--like my blog's logo for example. Well, no longer...

In December of last year, both Steve Rubel's Micro Persuasion and Debbie Weil's BlogWrite for CEOs mentioned the impending adoption of a 'globalized' RSS icon with its origins stemming from the folks at Firefox.

I reviewed Steve's post one or two days after getting my own logo completed, and lamented my need to re-do my new logo to accommodate the new art. This has been one of those catch-up items I finally got to last night.

While it may be old news (the new icon), I found the post on the Microsoft Team RSS Blog about their decision to use the 'standardized' icon a very interesting read, and absent of global dominance rhetoric.

Now, back to the logo doctor for a 'version two dot oh' of The RSS Pundit logo that emphasizes the global look...


At February 18, 2006 3:23 PM, Blogger Scott Baradell said...

The logo is nice.

At February 20, 2006 10:23 PM, Blogger Kip Meacham said...

Thanks, SB.


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